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OliRobot MiRGo Robot Conveyor Docking Station
Fixed Conveyor Docking Station for use with MiR AMR with OliRobot Conveyor Fitted

Conveyor Docking Station for use with mobile robots with a tote conveyor fitted. Can be used standalone - or as a gateway to a larger conveyor system.
Can be assembled as a Right Hand or a Left Hand System with no additional parts required.
Comes standard with OMRON HAPS robot navigation target, but can be supplied with targets to suit MiR
Single Conveyor
Dual Conveyor
Triple Conveyor
ROBOT Compatibility
OMRON LD-60 / LD60
OMRON LD-90 / LD90
OMRON LD-250 / LD250
MiR 100 / MiR100
MiR 250 / MiR250
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